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Alerts Configuration

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The Alerts Configuration plugin is where you can view all existing Alert Profiles.

MyEyedro offers various Alerts that can be configured to notify you when events of interest occur. Alerts are emailed, providing a convenient way to receive timely notifications for things like a device is offline or your electricity demand exceeds a defined thresholds.

Alerts Configuration Plugin

  1. Configured Alerts panel.
  2. Alert Profile List. Displays a list of all Alert Profiles that you have created in MyEyedro.
  3. Alert Profile Details. Click on the “+” button to expand the row and display the details for the selected alert profile.
  4. License Status. For alerts that require a valid license, this column shows the current status of the attached license.
  5. Edit button. Click this button to edit the selected alert profile. NOTE: You will be prompted for redirection depending on the type of alert profile that is selected. Editing is not performed in the Alerts Configuration plugin.
  6. Delete button. Click this button to delete the selected alert profile.


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Alerts Configuration

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