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Report Viewer

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The MyEyedro Report Viewer plugin allows you to view, print and share previously generated reports.

MyEyedro Report Viewer Screenshot

  1. Report Profiles. List of available report profiles.
  2. Report Profile Details. Displays the details for the selected report profile. NOTE: clicking on the edit button (top right corner), will redirect you to the Reports configuration plugin.
  3. Report Period. Choose the desired report to view. For scheduled report profiles, this field will provide a list of available reports. For unscheduled report profiles, there will only be one option in the list.
  4. Report. Displays the selected report for viewing.
  5. Additional Report Tools:
    • Print. Print the selected report.
    • Send (Email). Send the selected report to one or more email recipients.
    • Download. Download available data (in .CSV format). NOTE: not all report types have downloadable data.
    • Regenerate. Regenerate the report. NOTE: use this function for cases where data may have not been collected when the report was initially generated – i.e. the device’s internet connection was offline.


Report Viewer Plugin Tools and Options

MyEyedro Report Viewer Plugin Settings

  1. Plugin Tools:
    • Refresh. Update the data and visuals on screen.
    • Options. Expand or collapse the options menu.
  2. Check the More Options checkbox to show additional options.
  3. Check Show Profile List to display the report profiles and details in the plugin region of the report viewer plugin. Uncheck to hide the region.
  4. Check Show Profile Details to display the report profile details in the plugin region. Uncheck to hide. NOTE: this option is disabled of Show Profile List is unchecked.


Mobile View

MyEyedro Report Viewer Mobile Screenshots

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