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Utility Dashboard

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The MyEyedro Utility Dashboard plugin displays at a glance demand and consumption data for up to 3 display groups allowing you to keep track of multiple display groups with varying utility types (such as electricity, water, and gas for a building). Alternatively this plugin can be used as a simple side-by-side comparison of various installations.

The Utility Dashboard plugin is only available to users with a MyEyedro Premium or Professional license.

MyEyedro Utility Dashboard Plugin Screenshot

  1. Utility Region. Displays data for the Display Group selected as Utility 1 in the options. NOTE: header label, icon and colour come from the Display Group configuration.
  2. Demand Gauge. Displays the current demand.
  3. Demand Graph. Displays the demand over the past hour.
  4. Consumption Graph. Displays the consumption over the past day.
  5. Statistics. Additional measurement metrics for demand and consumption.
  6. Second Utility Region. Optionally show data for a second “Utility”.
  7. Third Utility Region. Optionally show data for a third “Utility”


Utility Dashboard Plugin Tools and Options

MyEyedro Utility Dashboard Plugin Options

  1. Plugin Tools:
    • Options. Expand or collapse the options menu.
  2. Check to show Utility 1 Region.
  3. Select which Display Group to evaluate as Utility 1.
  4. Check the More Options checkbox to show additional options.
  5. Additional options can be used to show or hide the various components displayed in the Utility Region.
  6. Optionally, check to show Utility 2 Region. Uncheck to hide.
  7. Optionally, check to show Utility 3 Region. Uncheck to hide.
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Utility Dashboard

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