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Base Load

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The MyEyedro Base Load tool provides the minimum power demand value for the specified period.

MyEyedro Base Load Tool Screenshot

  1. Minimum Demand. The minimum demand recorded in the last week.
  2. Equivalent. The equivalent cost for sustaining this minimum for one year.
  3. Info and Tips. Common tips to help identify and reduce your minimum.


Base Load Tools and Options

MyEyedro Base Load Tool Options

  1. Plugin Tools. Refresh Button to update the data and visuals on screen. Options Button to expand the options menu.
  2. Select which Display Group to evaluate.
  3. Check to ignore wattage readings of 0 when determining minimum demand.
  4. Show/hide estimated equivalent annual cost. The average hourly rate used is calculated from your last year of consumption and billing.
  5. Show/hide additional information and tips to identify and reduce your base load.
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Base Load

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