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Cost Estimator

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The MyEyedro Cost Estimator tool estimates the consumption and cost to operate common devices found within your home or office.

MyEyedro Cost Estimator Tool Screenshot

  1. Common Devices. A list of common devices found in buildings and homes. Selecting a device from this list will populate the Demand field.
  2. Demand. Typical consumption for the device selected from the list. Can be manually set and adjusted if your particular device consumption is different.
  3. Duration. How long the device is on (typical).
  4. Frequency. The number of times the device is on in a given time period (typical).
  5. Calculate. Calculates the estimated consumption and cost based on the information entered.
  6. Results. Displays the computed estimated consumption and cost for various time spans.


Cost Estimator Tools and Options

MyEyedro Cost Estimator Tool Options

  1. Plugin Tools. Options Button to expand the options menu.
  2. Select the currency format to display cost estimates.
  3. Check More Options to view and customize additional options.
  4. Set the Average Hourly Rate to be used in estimated cost calculations.
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Cost Estimator

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