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Renewable Generation Metrics

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The Renewable Generation Metrics report type provides statistics on energy generated, cost savings, and peak performance over multiple periods.

The Renewable Generation Metrics report is only available to users with a MyEyedro Premium or Professional license.

Report profiles can be created and modified in the MyEyedro Report Configuration plugin and all generated reports can be viewed in the MyEyedro Report Viewer plugin.

Renewable Generation Metrics Report Overview

  1. Generation Date. The date and time the report was generated.
  2. Report Title. This is a combination of the report title text and report period as defined in the report configuration options.
  3. Graph. A graphical representation of the power generation and revenue data for the reporting period.
  4. Display Group. The display group and physical address of its corresponding Site, if available.
  5. Today. Generation and revenue for the present day.
  6. Output. Generation and revenue for the present day, past 7 days and past 30 days period.
  7. Performance metrics.


Configuration Options

NOTE: Common report configuration options are not shown:

  1. Report Type. Specify the type of report to generate. Choose Renewable Generation Metrics.
  2. Report Grouping. Specify whether the report will use Display Groups or Sites as a data source. NOTE: Renewable Generation Metrics reports only support Display Groups.
  3. Report Period. The time frame which the Report will evaluate. NOTE: Renewable Generation Metrics reports only support Daily reporting period.
  4. Report Title. Used to easily identify what this Report Profile is being used for.
  5. Scheduled. Automatically generates a report on the scheduled start day and each period there after.
  6. Effective Date. The first date your report is scheduled to run. NOTE: this option is only visible for scheduled reports.
  7. Email Recipients. The Email addresses you wish a copy of the scheduled report to automatically be sent to. NOTE: this option is only visible for scheduled reports.
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Renewable Generation Metrics

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