by Stacey McCuaig | Sep 14, 2017 | Blog, Product Review
Eyedro Product Review: Fire Prevention
Eyedro product review – a fire prevention perspective from Matt, a NY firefighter.
This article is written in regards to my recent product review of the Eyedro EHWEM1 Wireless Home electricity monitor.
This is my 23rd product I have reviewed for firefighters, and I was pleasantly surprised with the simplicity and ease of use with this product.
First, the customer service team was great to work with, and very knowledgeable of their product.
Second, the design of the monitor is simple, and that’s not a negative thing – this product is designed for actual use and it excelled at that. It’s often hidden away in an electrical panel and doesn’t necessarily need to be overly beautiful.
When I received the product in the mail it was packaged nice and neat. It was super easy to install; it’s literally two clicks of the actual monitors on your incoming electrical lines and you’re basically good to go. After you install, you simply sign up online and that’s it.
This unit is so sensitive and accurate that it can literally tell you when and where your electricity may be costing you money. While monitoring my own system I noticed I had a draw of electricity whenever my refrigerator would kick on, and found out the motor was going bad in my fridge. So I immediately saved money using the Eyedro unit.
What I am most impressed by is the ability to see what appliances draw too much power, not necessarily for electricity use, but for the possibility of a potential fire. That’s a great feature for firefighters not only in the field but at their own homes too! For example, if a motor in my fridge is drawing too much power as it did, it allowed me to look into it closer and potentially avoid a fire if the motor got too hot from being overstressed.
Overall, I am impressed with the Eyedro EHWEM1 wireless monitor and will continue to use it in the future. It’s a simple product designed for the everyday person. I applaud the Eyedro Company for designing a product with the average person in mind. I would gladly recommend this product to my friends and family.
Is it time to do an audit on your home fire and safety preparedness? Here are some home fire safety tips from the U.S. Fire Administration.
by Stacey McCuaig | Aug 31, 2017 | Blog, Customer Success Stories, Eyedro Case Study
Evaluating 20kW Heater Efficiency for Commercial Building – Should the Heaters be Replaced?
The question for the customer in this case study: what is my heater efficiency and should my heaters be replaced with newer equipment?
Using the Eyedro Electricity Monitoring System the customer was able to determine when their heaters were turning on and off. By analyzing the real-time energy monitoring and historical data available from within the MyEyedro cloud software, the customer was able to arrive at an educated decision as to whether the heaters should be replaced or not.
Large commercial heaters (like the type used to heat arenas) use a tremendous amount of electricity, and operating costs in a commercial enterprise are carefully tracked. Eyedro is invaluable in this type of situation offering up real-time data in both consumption and dollar amounts. Eyedro data can help business owners make the right decision when it comes to replacing outdated and inefficient equipment, ultimately saving the company money!
by Stacey McCuaig | Jul 28, 2017 | Blog, Electricity Bill, Energy Reduction, green ideas, hydro bill
Big Savings with LED Lighting
*Based on 2 hours per day @ 0.10/kWh
Which Type of Light Bulbs Should you Choose?
In these days of rising electricity prices it may be time for a whole home light bulb retrofit. With a quick look at the above infographic it quickly becomes apparent that significant savings are to be had by swapping out incandescent bulbs for LED lighting.
Incandescent bulbs are inexpensive to purchase but tremendously inefficient as they dissipate most of the energy they consume as heat.
The cost of running one 60 watt incandescent bulb for 2 hours per day at 10 cents/kWh, would cost $4.38 per year. The 15 watt compact fluorescent equivalent would cost $1.10 per year and the LED version comparable to the 60 watt incandescent would only cost $0.66! Now multiply that by the average number of bulbs in a home.
The average number of light bulbs in a home is 24 according to Natural Resources Canada’s Office of Energy Efficiency 2007 statistics. When you multiply the yearly dollar figures of the incandescent and LED bulb by 24 that’s when the savings opportunities really become obvious: $105.12 vs. $15.84!
While initially LED bulbs were quite expensive to purchase, they have in recent years come down in price and are now very affordable.
The advantages of LED lighting are clear:
- Extremely energy efficient compared to traditional light bulbs
- No toxic mercury risk like CFL
- Affordable
- Very long life if you purchase good quality bulbs (this may or may not apply to dollar store finds – caveat emptor)
Try a little experiment! Install each type of bulb one by one in a lamp and check how much power is being consumed using your Eyedro Real-Time Electricity Monitor. Saving electricity can be fun, saving money even better.
Ready to dig a little deeper into your energy usage?
by Stacey McCuaig | Jun 30, 2017 | Blog, MyEyedro
New MyEyedro Feature: Custom Business Card
With the new MyEyedro custom business card feature you now have the ability to upload your company’s logo or business card graphic. Your business card will remain visible on the top right corner of the screen as you move through the MyEyedro platform.
To use the new MyEyedro Business Card feature simply navigate to the User Settings, select the Business Card tab and then upload your custom graphic. Make sure the image is 150 x 64 pixels.
Add your custom logo to MyEyedro
Another optional feature is a business card that pops up on mouseover. To activate this feature be sure to enter your company details below the Upload Business Card Image button.
With the new MyEyedro Business Card feature you have the option of loading an image of your logo as well as activating the business card mouseover when you fill in your business details. You can also upload an image of your business card.
The custom business card feature allows you to brand your MyEyedro platform for sharing with your customers and associates!
Add your business details to activate your custom business card on mouseover.
by Stacey McCuaig | Jun 7, 2017 | Product Review, Testimonial
Eyedro Product Review: Wireless Home Electricity Monitor
Eyedro product review – here is what Paul King, editor at has to say about Eyedro’s Wireless Home Electricity Monitor:
“The Eyedro Wireless Home Electricity Monitor is a device that lets you monitor your electricity use by the minute from a web page. There’s also a wired version of the Eyedro Home Electricity Monitor should you wish to save $60 that appears to be the same equipment and service, and they have a version more suited to businesses, but I’m reviewing the wireless flavor.
You can access the info on any device with a modern browser, and if you have an Echo you can ask Alexa what your energy usage is.”
To see Paul’s full Eyedro product review: Eyedro Wireless Home Electricity Monitor review