Phantom Power
Phantom power: your home’s devices and appliances, when plugged in, continue to draw power even when they are off
It is called “phantom” or “standby” power, and it could account for up to 10 per cent of your home’s energy use. The average home has 25 or more electronic devices that use phantom power, costing approximately $200 or more a year in electricity. (in a 2,000 sq ft home)
Track your phantom power with the MyEyedro Phantom Energy plugin. The MyEyedro software provides you with a 24 hour window of your phantom power usage.
How Do I Identify the “Phantoms”?
- Appliances with remote controls (TV, Video and Audio Equipment)
- Appliances with continuous digital displays (Clock on Stove, Coffee Maker)
- Appliances with rechargeable batteries (Cordless Phones, Laptops)
- Appliances with external power supplies (Cell Phone Chargers, Electronics)
How Do I Get Rid of the “Phantoms”?
- Plug devices into power strips – and turn them off
- Unplug appliances when not in use
- Use clocks powered by rechargeable batteries
When buying new appliances, choose appliances with low standby power and look for the Energy Star symbol
For more information on Home Energy Monitoring please visit https://eyedro.com/