by Stacey McCuaig | Jan 30, 2019 | Blog, Customer Success Stories, Testimonial
Food Processing – Brewing – EYEDRO Case Study:
Monitoring Energy to Save Money on Operations

- Located in San Luis Obispo, California
- 14,000 square feet of Retail and Production
- $10 – $15 saved per day on Energy Budget
- Heater monitors for bill reconciliation
Excessive power usage with their inline water heater used in brewing, Operations could not tell how much power through the generic reports from PG&E Power.
Using the Eyedro device for simple cloud visibility to uncover the power spending about $4 on power per brew. With a 7 day a week operation it led to a savings of $2920/year.
The ROI:
The Eyedro Green Solutions ™ Energy Monitoring System was installed for only $350. With an annual savings of nearly $3000, payback was achieved in under 6 weeks.
The brewery can now monitor all types of Energy in one simple dashboard while at the same time compare readings with the Utility bills.
More information on Eyedro Business Electricity Monitoring systems.

by Stacey McCuaig | Oct 26, 2018 | Blog, Customer Success Stories, Electricity Bill, Energy Reduction, Eyedro Case Study
Canadian Tire Saves: Eyedro Retail Case Study
Electricity, Gas and Water for Retail Operations – One Dashboard!
“After using Eyedro’s Energy Monitor we immediately identified key areas of the retail operations where we could start saving money. By following our power usage and cost profile we can plan our monthly operating costs accordingly. The monitors installed paid for themselves within months.”
Michael G. – Canadian Tire Store, Alberta Canada
- Located in the City of Red Deer
- 94,000 square feet of Retail
- 24 circuits monitored, Water and Gas mains
- 18% saved on Energy Budget in 10 months
- Water and Gas monitors for bill reconciliation
To provide a detailed profile of the energy use of Retail Operations in each department throughout the store and identify energy saving opportunities.
Meet energy budget reduction targets and provide Computerized Energy Monitoring.
The cloud-based solution in real time identifies inefficiencies in daily and seasonal operations.
The Eyedro Green Solutions ™ Energy Monitoring System was installed on every breaker with a large or critical load for monitoring the energy by retail department and looking for energy waste in daily operations.
The store can now monitor all types of Energy in one simple dashboard while at the same time compare readings with the Utility bills. Advanced Alerts will allow them to shed load when needed to avoid stepping up to a higher tariff band or when equipment, such as parking lot lighting, was left on after hours from the convenience of their phone.

Electricity, Water and Gas all on One Dashboard!
Shop Eyedro for Business.
by Stacey McCuaig | Aug 31, 2017 | Blog, Customer Success Stories, Eyedro Case Study
Evaluating 20kW Heater Efficiency for Commercial Building – Should the Heaters be Replaced?
The question for the customer in this case study: what is my heater efficiency and should my heaters be replaced with newer equipment?
Using the Eyedro Electricity Monitoring System the customer was able to determine when their heaters were turning on and off. By analyzing the real-time energy monitoring and historical data available from within the MyEyedro cloud software, the customer was able to arrive at an educated decision as to whether the heaters should be replaced or not.
Large commercial heaters (like the type used to heat arenas) use a tremendous amount of electricity, and operating costs in a commercial enterprise are carefully tracked. Eyedro is invaluable in this type of situation offering up real-time data in both consumption and dollar amounts. Eyedro data can help business owners make the right decision when it comes to replacing outdated and inefficient equipment, ultimately saving the company money!
by Stacey McCuaig | May 19, 2017 | Blog, Customer Success Stories, Electricity Monitoring, Eyedro Case Study
Commercial Tenant Electricity Sub-Metering: Landlord Feels That Tenant Is Using More Power than Budgeted in Lease Agreement
In this case study we illustrate how Eyedro has been put to use resolving a commercial tenant electricity sub-metering dispute between the tenant and the landlord of a large commercial building. As can be seen from the Eyedro real-time electricity monitoring graph data above, a tenant of a commercial building displayed an excessive electricity usage pattern that persisted for 12 hour periods. This usage was very much out of line with that of the other tenants in the building.
After some investigation it was discovered that the tenant was testing some power hungry new technology.
Via Eyedro, the landlord was able to show the tenant their actual electricity usage as well as the time period (in this case during peak electricity rate hours).
Because the landlord was sub-metering each tenant and tracking power consumption with an Eyedro Electricity Monitoring system, they were able to pinpoint the tenant’s unusual electricity consumption. The tenant’s commercial lease was then renegotiated in a way that was fair to both parties.
The landlord ultimately recovered more than $1200 in electricity costs per year from this one customer alone!
by Stacey McCuaig | Apr 12, 2017 | Blog, Customer Success Stories, Electricity Monitoring, MyEyedro
Eyedro Remote Electricity Monitoring Can Alert You to Potential System Failures in Your Home
With Eyedro’s remote electricity monitoring capability it is possible to protect the assets in your home even when you are on vacation.
The MyEyedro screen capture below shows the electrical signature of a home owner’s sump pump. The signal dropped out during a severe weather event.
The home owner was sent an email alert of a power failure and subsequent restoration of power. This is significant because the home owner was out of the country at the time.
When the home owner checked his MyEyedro account, he could tell by the waveform created that the sump pump was working very hard to catch up after the power was restored.
Because the home owner received an Eyedro power failure alert and was able to monitor the situation remotely, there was time to contact a neighbour and prevent the possible burn-out of the sump pump motor and subsequent basement flooding.
Eyedro real-time electricity monitoring systems with cloud based software – monitor and protect your home no matter where you are in the world.
Let Eyedro help you keep an eye on your Hydro!

Eyedro monitoring sump pump during severe weather event
by Stacey McCuaig | Jun 27, 2016 | Blog, Customer Success Stories, Electricity Bill, Energy Reduction, MyEyedro
I, like most Ontarians (and Hydro users everywhere) have become more than a little bit disgruntled with the sharply rising cost of electricity. Every month we wait in trepidation for the arrival of the dreaded electric bill.
With the goal of energy reduction in mind, I decided to install an Eyedro Real-Time Electricity Monitor in a secondary breaker panel that powers my living room lights, outlets, and my desktop computer.
As a new Eyedro Electricity Monitoring Systems user I was shocked to discover how much electricity was being consumed by the gadgets in my home even when they weren’t actively in use.
Since the MyEyedro cloud based software offers real-time electricity monitoring, I was able to determine through experimentation (flicking switches, powering down appliances, turning breakers off and on) which of my devices was using the most power. It quickly became obvious who the main culprit was – the tower computer that lurks in the shadows under my desk, fans humming away night and day, red LEDs glaring defiantly, and using twice the electricity of anything else that I was monitoring with my Eyedro system!
For more on computer energy consumption here’s a great article from – PSA: Don’t Shut Down Your Computer, Just Use Sleep (or Hibernation)
By making a few relatively painless adjustments, (and sending out gentle reminders to recalcitrant participants – I can see how much hydro you’re using even when I’m not home!) I have been able to almost immediately realize an overall cost savings of roughly 60% on the power usage that I am tracking with my Eyedro electricity monitoring system.
As the following graphs beautifully illustrate in both kWh consumption and dollar values, with Eyedro it really is possible to Keep an Eye on Your Hydro!

Eyedro Home Electricity Monitor: Daily Consumption in kWh

Eyedro Home Electricity Monitor: Daily Cost Savings