by Avi Weissman | Feb 28, 2022 | Blog, Electricity Bill, Energy Reduction
Electricity is a utility that we frequently take for granted. We often don’t consider the importance or level of usage in our day-to-day lives. Eyedro has set out to ensure that consumers are able to quantify the cost of their electricity and monitor its use. There are multiple reasons to monitor your electricity usage, discover four of those below and check out our electricity monitoring technology today.
Identify Inefficiencies
One of the main benefits of monitoring the electricity usage in your home is being able to find out where you might be inefficient. Identifying energy hogs and energy use habits are the first steps towards addressing your home energy inefficiencies. With MyEyedro cloud data, you can view your real-time energy use data from wherever you are.
Financial Benefits
When it comes to your electricity bill, it can be difficult to ascertain where your money is going. When you utilize an Eyedro system to monitor your electricity usage, you will be able to see exactly where your hard earned dollars are being spent. This will also allow you to address specific problem areas and save you money in the process. With MyEyedro Bills data and automated Reports you will be able to see how your energy saving efforts are paying off over time.
It is very easy to go through the day without paying any attention to the amount of electricity that we use. When you utilize a home electricity monitor from Eyedro, you will be able to observe and calculate the electrical impact that you make every day. Being aware of your energy footprint allows you to make changes to your usage patterns that may help you conserve energy and money.
Understanding Appliances
You would be surprised at how easily old appliances can make up most of your energy bill. Those old incandescent bulbs in your kitchen or that rickety air conditioning unit can contribute greatly to increasing your utility payments. Identifying problematic appliances allows you the opportunity to address everyday devices that might be draining your wallet. With MyEyedro on-the-go cloud data you can monitor your electricity usage in real time and then make changes to save money – Track, React, Save!
Track, React, Save Money!
We have presented you with 4 Reasons to Monitor Your Electricity Usage – can you think of any others?
Electricity is a utility that we can frequently take for granted. We often don’t consider the importance or level of usage in our day-to-day lives. Eyedro has set out to ensure that consumers are able to quantify the cost of their electricity and monitor its use. Learn about the benefits of monitoring electricity below and check out our electricity monitoring technology today.
by Stacey McCuaig | Dec 23, 2021 | Blog, Electricity Bill, Energy Reduction
How Much Would it Cost to Run the Griswold Lights Today?
Remember National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation? In the movie Clark Griswold creates a Christmas light display so massive that he takes down the power to his entire neighbourhood! What would the Griswold’s electric bill look like if his yard were illuminated by 25000 energy saving LED bulbs?
Do Christmas lights use a lot of electricity? The answer lies in the type of bulb that you use to light up the night.
Let’s travel back to 1989 and assume that Clark was using the popular at the time C7 incandescent bulbs in his Christmas light strings. Each C7 bulb uses about 5W.
5W x 25000 = 125,000 Watts or 125 kW
Let’s also assume that Clark ran his lights for 8 hours per day for the entire month of December. We’ll use 10 cents/kWh for the sake of simplicity.
125 kW x 8 hours x 10 cents/kWh = $100/day x 31 days = $3100
Griswold Light Display:
- 25000 bulbs
- Type = C7 incandescent
- Typical wattage of each bulb = 5 watts
- 5 watts x 25000 bulbs =125,000 watts
- Run time per day = 8 hours for 31 days
- 1 month kWh usage based on 10 cents/kWh
Based on the above, it would cost $100 a day to power the Griswold light show and $3100 for the month!
De-Griswold Your Energy Bill With LED!
The Griswold family electric bill would have been considerably less stress producing if those 25000 bulbs had been mini LED. Let’s see how LED compares to the C7 bulbs of 1989.
0.1W x 25000 = 2500 Watts or 2.5 kW
2.5 kW x 8 hours x 10 cents/kWh = $2/day x 31 days = $62
Energy Monitoring Made Easy
The Perfect Gift for the Christmas Light Lover
Keep track of the energy you are using to light up the holidays. Save money on your electricity bill all year round with an Eyedro home energy monitor!
An Eyedro Home Energy Monitor is the perfect gift for every homeowner on your list!
by Stacey McCuaig | Dec 16, 2021 | Blog, Electricity Bill, Energy Reduction
Save energy at home with an Eyedro Home Energy monitor. Take the mystery out of your energy usage with the comprehensive suite of reporting tools in the MyEyedro cloud software. MyEyedro access is included with the purchase of your Eyedro Home Energy monitor with no subscription fees.
MyEyedro offers a range of insightful options to help you manage your electricity usage. Automated reports can be sent to your email and you can also share reports with additional users. Instantaneous live data will let you know when your energy hogs are running (think clothes dryer, oven, electric heaters), so you can manage the best time for operating these appliances based on your utility times and rates. Real-time data lets you view your live usage as you turn devices off and on. Bills data customized with common utility rate structures are viewable with a 12 month window. Historical data will allow you to track your usage trends over time as you move through the months and seasons and year to year.
Print on demand reports or download your raw data to Excel. MyEyedro offers a myriad of ways for you to view your energy data.
MyEyedro cloud data is integrated with Amazon Alexa, Samsung SmartThings and Google Assistant for added smart home functionality.
Typical Power Ratings of Your Home Appliances
Phone, internet, water, and energy bills, they all add up. Determining the right mix of service, price, and convenience can help you save money on your utility bills. Eyedro’s real-time energy monitoring can help you make a positive impact on the planet by reducing your home electricity usage. Together, we can combat climate change and create a sustainable future.
Energy Monitoring Made Easy
The Perfect Gift for the Homeowner
Give them the gift of year-round energy savings because nobody likes to pay more for electricity than they have to, not even Santa!
EYEDRO-HOME Energy & Solar Monitor
Connect by WiFi or Ethernet
by Stacey McCuaig | May 19, 2021 | Blog, Electricity Monitoring, Energy Reduction, Sustainability
Why a Homeowner Should Monitor Their Electricity Usage
Some benefits of monitoring your electricity usage:
Electricity bills are a significant part of any household’s monthly expenses, but people make little to no effort to manage them. This is because it is thought of as an entity that just can’t be managed. However, this isn’t true.
You can monitor your electricity usage and manage it. In fact, over a longer period it will be beneficial for you.
When you install an Eyedro energy monitor in your home, you will become more aware of how you are consuming electricity.
Keep an eye on your data wherever you are with Eyedro’s full featured MyEyedro cloud software.
In this way, you can keep track of your daily consumption to better understand your expenses. You’ll also get an understanding of which of your appliances and devices consume the most energy.
Energy-Efficient Alternatives
Once you have your daily numbers, you can begin to gauge how much usage is necessary. Based on that, you can plan and keep the usage of certain pieces of equipment to a minimum. For example, you may want to run large energy consumers like dryers and ovens during off-peak hours if you are charged time-of-use energy rates.
You’ll also know which devices are consuming way more electricity than they should. This can help you switch to better options that are more energy efficient. As a result, you’ll save a significant amount of money.
When you minimize your electricity consumption and switch to energy-saving options, you automatically become more mindful of your environment. You can reduce your carbon footprint and create an eco-friendly energy consumption pattern for your home.
Energy consumption monitors are seen as an additional expense in any household. People think about how much money will be spent buying and maintaining one and thus choose not to purchase it. Good news! Once your Eyedro is installed it is virtually maintenance free.
However, what they don’t realize is how much money can be saved with an energy monitor. It significantly brings down your monthly electricity bill.
Besides helping you save money, energy monitors bring a significant change to your mindset. You learn to save energy, understand the effect your equipment has on the environment, and curb its usage. In the end, these things make you follow a more mindful and healthier lifestyle.
by Stacey McCuaig | Apr 29, 2021 | Applications, Blog, Energy Reduction, Eyedro Case Study
Energy Saving Rebate Tools
Energy saving rebate tools when and where you need them! MyEyedro cloud software includes a comprehensive suite of tools that will simplify your rebate submission reporting.
When the Director of Energy Management at a leading automotive manufacturer was tasked to reduce energy used by the large compressors, they turned to their Eyedro energy monitoring system.
The Eyedro Energy Monitoring System provides you with:
- Easy-to-understand energy reports,
- Advanced Alerts* when operations go astray
- Peace of mind to know that your business and equipment are being monitored by MyEyedro, Eyedro’s advanced cloud-based system
By simply using the Comparison plug-in found in the suite of included software tools, the Director was easily able to see the savings that switching to a more energy efficient compressor had on the bottom line and was able to submit the data to the local Utility for rebate funding.
*Contact Eyedro Sales for details
Cloud-Based Intelligent Software & Reports
Comparison Tools for Rebate Submission Reports
Energy Monitoring Made Easy
by Dylan Pedro | May 12, 2020 | Blog, Electricity Monitoring, Energy Reduction
Eyedro Home Energy Monitors
Energy Monitoring is like watching your weight if you don’t track what you eat on a daily basis and see how on paper how much you’re taking in you can’t cut your weight or in this case cut down on your energy bill. The Easiest way to start saving is with an Eyedro Home Energy Monitor.
An Eyedro Home Energy Monitor is your best option to help you identify what is wasting the most energy in your home. The Eyedro EHEM1-LV is the economical solution that will allow you to make practical, data-driven changes that will help you cut down on your energy usage.

MyEyedro Compare Plugin
- Easy Installation
- The EHEM1-LV can Identify Power Hogs
- Compare your home energy usage with previous months to see how much you’re actually saving
- Real Time Energy Data – instantly see when you turn a light or appliance on or off
- Free Monitoring with MyEyedro cloud Software
Within a few months of saving energy, you’ll see that your Eyedro will have paid for itself and you’ll be helping the environment as well!

Eyedro Home Energy Monitor EYEDRO-HOME
An Ethernet Connected Home Energy Monitor that is easy to install. Once connected to MyEyedro to provide you with a better sense of your energy usage so you can start to save money right away. MyEyedro cloud software is included with no subscription fee. The EHEM1-LV includes a Module, Two Current Sensors, a 10ft Ethernet Cable, and a 120V North American Power Adapter.
The Eyedro EHEM1-LV, your economical solution to shocking energy bills!
All Eyedro products meet North American Safety Standards and are helping to create a greener energy environment. For more information on the rest of our product line Click Here.