by Stacey McCuaig | May 19, 2021 | Blog, Electricity Monitoring, Energy Reduction, Sustainability
Why a Homeowner Should Monitor Their Electricity Usage
Some benefits of monitoring your electricity usage:
Electricity bills are a significant part of any household’s monthly expenses, but people make little to no effort to manage them. This is because it is thought of as an entity that just can’t be managed. However, this isn’t true.
You can monitor your electricity usage and manage it. In fact, over a longer period it will be beneficial for you.
When you install an Eyedro energy monitor in your home, you will become more aware of how you are consuming electricity.
Keep an eye on your data wherever you are with Eyedro’s full featured MyEyedro cloud software.
In this way, you can keep track of your daily consumption to better understand your expenses. You’ll also get an understanding of which of your appliances and devices consume the most energy.
Energy-Efficient Alternatives
Once you have your daily numbers, you can begin to gauge how much usage is necessary. Based on that, you can plan and keep the usage of certain pieces of equipment to a minimum. For example, you may want to run large energy consumers like dryers and ovens during off-peak hours if you are charged time-of-use energy rates.
You’ll also know which devices are consuming way more electricity than they should. This can help you switch to better options that are more energy efficient. As a result, you’ll save a significant amount of money.
When you minimize your electricity consumption and switch to energy-saving options, you automatically become more mindful of your environment. You can reduce your carbon footprint and create an eco-friendly energy consumption pattern for your home.
Energy consumption monitors are seen as an additional expense in any household. People think about how much money will be spent buying and maintaining one and thus choose not to purchase it. Good news! Once your Eyedro is installed it is virtually maintenance free.
However, what they don’t realize is how much money can be saved with an energy monitor. It significantly brings down your monthly electricity bill.
Besides helping you save money, energy monitors bring a significant change to your mindset. You learn to save energy, understand the effect your equipment has on the environment, and curb its usage. In the end, these things make you follow a more mindful and healthier lifestyle.
by Stacey McCuaig | Nov 4, 2019 | Blog, Electricity Monitoring, Energy Reduction, Net Zero Home, Sustainability
CEC Title 24 – Adding PV and the NETZERO BUILDER

EYEFI-4 model shown – installs in under 10 minutes!

Benefits of monitoring with Eyedro?
Easy to use Installer’s App – keeps it simple
Commercial, Institutional and Residential models
Measure and Display PF, Voltage, Current, Power
Track kW generated with Solar panels (Tier 1)
Identify major loads and base load
Get Alerts when system is off-line
Eyedro Net Metering Example:


Product Features:
Real-Time web interface – ( on any modern browser, incl
Live and Summary view – See power usage and cost streaming in real-time
Bill view – See estimate of electrical bill for current and historical billing periods for any day of the month
Sensor options – 5Amp – 3000Amp, +/- 1%
Managed Services include:
Manage multiple systems – Add any number of devices to your account.
Manage multiple sites – Add a number of buildings to your account and assign devices to any sites.
Reports – Have configurable reports delivered directly to your inbox at configurable intervals.
Alerts – Be notified of power or network failures, if demand or consumption exceeds thresholds (above or below), and more.
Custom web interfaces – Have your company Branded on the web interfaces and custom URLs are available.
API – Integrate measurement data into your own Dashboard with our Application Programming Interface
Export – Data can be exported from any point in time into CSV for further analysis
120V / 60Hz and 230V / 50Hz models available
by Stacey McCuaig | Apr 21, 2017 | Blog, Electricity Monitoring, Energy Reduction, green ideas, MyEyedro, Sustainability
Earth Day April 22nd, 2017: Environmental Stewardship with Eyedro Electricity Monitoring
Founded by Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin, the very first Earth Day was held in 1970 as a reaction to his concern that environmental issues were not considered important politically or by society in general. Senator Nelson’s initial efforts gave rise to world-wide environmental stewardship activities including the Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act in the United States.
For additional biographical information on Senator Nelson and the founding of Earth Day check out Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Today, around the globe, more than 1 billion people participate in Earth Day events which are coordinated by the non-profit organization Earth Day Network.
Here in Canada, Earth Day activities include community tree planting, recycling seminars, volunteer litter clean up, and open house demonstrations at local composting facilities. For more information and programs in your community see Earth Day Canada.
How Can You Make a Contribution to the Global Environmental Movement?
- Grow your own food
- Compost your kitchen and yard waste
- Replace incandescent light bulbs with LED
- Walk, bike or carpool to work
- Use non-toxic cleaning products like baking soda and plain white vinegar
- Let Eyedro help you reduce your electricity consumption!
Eyedro electricity monitoring can help you with your personal commitment to energy reduction. With Eyedro you can see, in real-time, when you are using the most electricity and which appliances are the culprits.
Because the MyEyedro cloud interface is so accessible and responsive, it makes a great tool to help your whole family to form new conservation habits. Allow your children to participate and together we can create a more environmentally sustainable future for everyone!
Track and reduce your electrical consumption with Eyedro – because every day is Earth Day!
by Stacey McCuaig | Mar 21, 2017 | Blog, Energy Reduction, Green Energy, green ideas, Sustainability
Energy Reduction with Eyedro
eMERGE EcoMarket
March 25th, 2017
10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Old Quebec Street Mall at 55 Wyndham Street
Visit Eyedro to learn how our electricity monitoring systems can help you with your energy reduction initiatives at home and at work. Green ideas from a great lineup of vendors.
Bring the family out to discover some innovative green energy and sustainability products and services.
Guelph eMERGE EcoMarket Details and participating vendors.

Guelph eMERGE EcoMarket March 25th 2017

Eyedro Booth at 10th Annual Guelph EcoMarket
The Guelph EcoMarket – showcasing a great roundup of green ideas companies in an awesome venue!