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Display Group Device(s) Active/Inactive

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Display Group Active or Inactive Alerts are a helpful tool to keep you informed any device within a Display Group drops in service your device may experience due to a power or internet outage. Alerts can be configured to send out when a device loses communication with the MyEyedro Cloud Service and/or when that communication has been restored.

This specific alert type is useful for Display Groups that contain sensors from more than one physical device. If your display group consists of a single device, use the device active/inactive alerts instead.

Device active or inactive alerts for a display group

  1. Open the Display Groups plugin under Configuration sub-menu.
  2. Select a Display Group from the list that you want to configure an active or inactive alert for.
  3. Expand the Alerts Panel if it is not already.
  4. Click the edit button beside the alert type you intend to configure; active or inactive. This will display the “Edit Alert” form.
  5. Adjust the alert settings as desired.Editor for adding device active or inactive alerts to a display group
    1. Alert Type. Choose either “Device(s) Active” or “Device(s) Inactive” from the list of available types. NOTE: This field is Required.
    2. Label. A user defined label for the device alert. NOTE: This field is Required.
    3. Custom Message. An optional custom message to include in the body of the email.
    4. Email Recipients. A comma separated list of email addresses to be notified. NOTE: This field is Required.
    5. Show Advanced Settings. Expand the advanced configuration options. NOTE: See Alert Limit Settings page for details.
  6. Click on the “Submit” button to save any changes.
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Display Group Device(s) Active/Inactive

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