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Pulse Monitor Settings

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To edit a the settings for a Pulse Monitor, navigate to the Devices Configuration plugin and choose the desired device from the list. A device type specific editor will open.

Device Settings for Pulse Modules

  1. Device Label. Label should be unique and descriptive for easy identification.
  2. Transmission Interval (advanced). The period, in seconds, over which the pulses will be counted and a new data point will be captured.
  3. Sensor Label. A user defined label for identifying this sensor.
  4. Meter Units. The units of measure for the meter data. NOTE: This should match the meter. Displayed unit preference can be set independently in the Display Groups configuration.
  5. Units per Pulse. The number of data units represented by each pulse. NOTE: Often indicated on the outside of the meter. Refer to the meter manufacturers documentation.
  6. Multiplier (advanced). An additional multiplier to be applied to your current reading.
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Pulse Monitor Settings

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