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Temperature Monitor Settings

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To edit a the settings for a Temperature Monitor, navigate to the Devices Configuration plugin and choose the desired device from the list. A device type specific editor will open.

Device Settings for Temperature Modules

  1. Device Label. Label should be unique and descriptive for easy identification.
  2. Thermocouple Type (advanced). Select the thermocouple that matches your sensor specifications. NOTE: This value will impact the readings from the hardware if chosen incorrectly.
  3. Transmission Interval (advanced). The period, in seconds, over which the temperature measurements will be averaged and a new data point will be captured.
  4. Sensor Label. A user defined label for identifying this sensor.
  5. Trim. An offset applied to temperature readings for calibration correction. NOTE: alternatively, use the Temperature Monitor Calibration procedure (below) 


Temperature Monitor Calibration

Clicking the Calibrate Temperature button located on the Device Settings panel of the desired temperature monitor.

Temperature Module Trim Calibration

  1. Choose the desired temperature units.
  2. If both sensor ports are being calibrated (i.e. using the same ice bath or hot plate), check the Synchronize Ports option.
  3. Measured value for Port A is displayed. NOTE: value is read only.
  4. Measured value for Port B is displayed. NOTE: value is read only.
  5. Using a third party measuring device, enter the expected measurement value.
  6. Click the Calibrate button to compute and store the trim values for ports A and B.
  7. Click Done to exit the temperature calibration tool.


IMPORTANT: Ensure the thermocouples are securely connected to the temperature monitoring device and the device is powered on actively communicating to the internet. The device and connected thermocouples should be given time to stabilize temperature prior to calibration.

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Temperature Monitor Settings

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