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Add Display Group

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To add a display group, navigate to the Display Groups Configuration plugin. Click the ‘Add Display Group‘ button. This will open a form which is used to specify the details.


Display Group Add Form (Electricity)

  1. Display Group Label. Label should be unique and descriptive for easy identification.
  2. Category. The type of data measured (i.e. Energy, Volume or Temperature). NOTE: This value is used as a filter in some MyEyedro plugins.
  3. Sub-Category. A more granular description of what is being measured within the Category (i.e. Grid Electricity, Renewables, etc.). NOTE: This value is used as a filter in some MyEyedro plugins.
  4. Purpose. Designates the purpose of the electrical circuit being monitored. NOTE: This field is strictly for organizational purposes.
  5. Site. The Site to associate with this Display Group. See Sites Configuration for more details. NOTE: The time zone used when graphing data comes from the Site configuration.
  6. Rate Profile. The Rate Profile to utilize when calculating costs. See Rates Configuration for more details.
  7. Data Sources. A list of device sensors that can be include in your Display Group by checking the box to their left. NOTE: You can only add sensors from Devices that have been claimed under your user account and that match the selected Category.


IMPORTANT: For practical reasons, each Display Group should be limited to include no more than 10-20 sensors maximum. Failure to limit may result in significant delays (or possible timeouts/errors) while loading data in some of the MyEyedro plugins. A large number of sensors also makes many of the graphs cluttered and hard to view. It is best practice to limited to a small number of devices or groupings of devices.



If you are adding a display group representing volume, Choose “Volume” from the Category field. Most options are the same as energy. The differences are identified below.

Display Group Add Configuration (Pulse)

  1. Sub-Category. A more granular description of what is being measured within the Category (i.e. Water, Natural Gas, Compressed Air). NOTE: This value is used as a filter in some MyEyedro plugins.
  2. Display Units. The units to display measurement data (i.e. Gallons, Liters, Cubic Feet, Cubic Meters).



To add a display group representing temperature, Choose “Temperature” from the Category field. Most options are the same as energy. The differences are identified below.

Display Group Add Form (Temperature)

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