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Other Fees

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The Other Fees table allows you to specify miscellaneous fees that are added to your consumption charges to make up the total on your electrical bill. The details of these fees are sometimes indicated on the back of your bill. If you are unable to find this information on your bill, it may be available on your utilities website. To edit a the other fees in your rate profile, navigate to the Rates Configuration plugin.

Other Fees Editing Form

  1. The Other Fees and ChargesĀ table contains the details profile.
    1. Label. Ensure the label is unique and descriptive for easy identification.
    2. Amount. The cost or amount to be applied.
    3. Type. The type of fee applied and how it is applied. Supported types are:
      • $/Bill. Applied to your monthly bill, regardless of consumption (e.g. administration charges).
      • $/Day. Applied each day, regardless of consumption (e.g. delivery or distribution charges).
      • $/kWh. Additional fees based on consumption (e.g. fuel surcharges).
      • % ($). Multiplier applied to your overall bill (e.g. taxes).
      • % Adjustment (kWh). Multiplier applied to your overall measured consumption to compensate for transmission losses.
      • $/kWp (Peak Demand). Applied to peak energy usage.
      • $/kWp (Peak Hour). Applied to peak hour energy usage.
  2. Double click the desired row to edit the values.
  3. Use the row edit controls to confirm, discard, or revert the changes you have made to the selected row.
  4. Add Fee. Add a row to the table.
  5. Delete Fee. Removes the currently selected row from the table.
  6. Move Up. Moves the selected row up in the table if there are multiple rows, and the selected row is not at the top.
  7. Move Down. Moves the selected row down in the table if there are multiple rows, and the selected row is not at the bottom.


IMPORTANT: When estimating costs and bills, the fees are applied in the order listed. Use the Up and Down buttons to adjust the order.

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