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Site Sharing

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To view or modify Site Sharing, navigate to the Sites Configuration plugin and select the desired site from the list.

Site Sharing Panel

  1. Expand or Collapse the panel.
  2. Hover over the Information button to see pop-up tips.
  3. Controls to Add Share.
  4. List of Users the selected site is shared with.
  5. Delete selected user.


Add a Sharee

  1. From the Add Share controls of the panel (C above), enter the email address of the user you wish to share with.
  2. Optionally, select the Write Access option. NOTE: by default, the share will be created with read-only access.
  3. Click the Add Share button.
  4. Confirm the new email address appears in the user list.


Delete a Site Share

  1. From the User List of the panel (D above), select the user you no longer wish to share with.
  2. Click the Delete Share button.
  3. Confirm the email address no longer appears in the user list.
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