Solar Installation Optimization With Eyedro Solar Energy Monitors
Determine Exactly How Much Energy Is Produced
Eyedro‘s home and business solutions are designed to help you better manage your solar panel installations, so your customer can monitor how effective they are in powering their everyday life. Our electricity usage monitoring systems — Eyedro and MyEyedro — allow your solar customer to receive real-time state and information on their electricity consumption and how much is being produced by their solar panels. In order to better protect their finances, it’s critical for them to know how much solar energy they have to work with and how much they’re using each day; this ensures that your solar customer will be happy with the system that you have installed for them.

Ensure That Solar Energy Is Used Effectively
If a home or business owner’s electricity is supplemented by solar panel installations, how do they determine if they are getting the most from their solar investment? Investing in solar energy is important to the environment as well as your customer’s individual energy footprint, and the MyEyedro cloud software can help them manage it like no other. By receiving and reading data on how much electricity is being used over a certain period of time, and throughout the entire building, it’s easier to reduce overall usage. Eyedro Green Solutions, Inc. is all about helping businesses and home owners lower their electricity bill so they can spend the savings on other projects and ventures.
Protect Your Overall Energy Budget
Now is your chance to gain a better understanding of how your solar panel installations are helping your customer’s home or business run, and how they will be able to adjust their finances with the money they save on energy. With the Eyedro electricity usage monitor, it’s possible to better analyze electricity spending or usage habits and be more cognizant of money. Ultimately reducing energy usage puts more money in your customer’s pocket at the end of every billing cycle, allowing them to take charge of their budget. Contact our team to learn more about the advantages of bundling Eyedro solar energy monitors with your solar panel installations!

Need to monitor just your solar output or net metering at your main panel? The 2 sensor Eyedro EYEFI-2 is perfect for either application.
Manage Your Solar Energy With Eyedro & MyEyedro Today!
Eyedro Green Solutions, Inc. exists to provide business owners and managers with the necessary tools to take control of their finances and electricity products. Investing in our electricity usage monitoring systems allow you to better understand how much electricity is being used and how you can save money. Learn more about our Eyedro products and get in touch with us today!
Other Solutions Include:
- Landlord and Second Property Energy Metering
- Electric Vehicle Energy Management System
- Smart Home Integration
- Machine and Lab Equipment Monitoring
- Multi-Unit and Tenant
- Cell Tower Energy Usage
- LPOP Interface
- Data Center Metering by Client
- Solar Energy Monitoring for Homeowners
- RV Park & Campground Power Monitoring Solutions
- Benefits of Real-time Energy Data