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VIP Circle of Friends

Eyedro would like to thank Paul Van Brunt of VIP Energy Services Inc., for including us in this opportunity to give back to our local community.

VIP Energy Services Inc.
VIP Energy Circle of Friends

I started VIP’s Circle of Friends. I approach friends and business acquaintances in KW, collecting anywhere from $50 to $5,000. In our first year we collected $28,000. We did this every year and in March 2020 Covid hit and many businesses did what they could during lockdowns including VIP Energy Services Inc. 

Knowing how many more people were out of work and relying on places like House of Friendship and Ray of Hope we contributed small donations there. When dropping off the donation to the House of friendship the person I met told me all about the great things House of Friendship does. I could not believe the long list of services. I was once again inspired and felt compelled to help. 

I hope to create an awareness of what we are doing and remove the stigma that small donations do not matter. We can make a big difference…together. 

No matter the amount and regardless of the size of a business, donations can add up quickly to help any charity. 

Paul Van Brunt P. Eng.

VIP Energy Services Inc..

Waterloo, Ontario

Donate to House of Friendship:

House of Friendship Kitchener Ontario