Environmental Stewardship with Eyedro: Earth Day 2017
Earth Day April 22nd, 2017: Environmental Stewardship with Eyedro Electricity Monitoring
Founded by Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin, the very first Earth Day was held in 1970 as a reaction to his concern that environmental issues were not considered important politically or by society in general. Senator Nelson’s initial efforts gave rise to world-wide environmental stewardship activities including the Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act in the United States.
For additional biographical information on Senator Nelson and the founding of Earth Day check out Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Today, around the globe, more than 1 billion people participate in Earth Day events which are coordinated by the non-profit organization Earth Day Network.
Here in Canada, Earth Day activities include community tree planting, recycling seminars, volunteer litter clean up, and open house demonstrations at local composting facilities. For more information and programs in your community see Earth Day Canada.
How Can You Make a Contribution to the Global Environmental Movement?
- Grow your own food
- Compost your kitchen and yard waste
- Replace incandescent light bulbs with LED
- Walk, bike or carpool to work
- Use non-toxic cleaning products like baking soda and plain white vinegar
- Let Eyedro help you reduce your electricity consumption!
Eyedro electricity monitoring can help you with your personal commitment to energy reduction. With Eyedro you can see, in real-time, when you are using the most electricity and which appliances are the culprits.
Because the MyEyedro cloud interface is so accessible and responsive, it makes a great tool to help your whole family to form new conservation habits. Allow your children to participate and together we can create a more environmentally sustainable future for everyone!
Track and reduce your electrical consumption with Eyedro – because every day is Earth Day!