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Shocked by Your Energy Bill? Reduce it With an Eyedro Home Energy Monitor

Shocked by Your Energy Bill? Reduce it With an Eyedro Home Energy Monitor

Eyedro Home Energy Monitors  


Energy Monitoring is like watching your weight if you don’t track what you eat on a daily basis and see how on paper how much you’re taking in you can’t cut your weight or in this case cut down on your energy bill. The Easiest way to start saving is with an Eyedro Home Energy Monitor. 


An Eyedro Home Energy Monitor is your best option to help you identify what is wasting the most energy in your home.  The Eyedro EHEM1-LV is the economical solution that will allow you to make practical, data-driven changes that will help you cut down on your energy usage. 


MyEyedro Compare Plugin

MyEyedro Compare Plugin



  • Easy Installation
  • The EHEM1-LV can Identify Power Hogs 
  • Compare your home energy usage with previous months to see how much you’re actually saving
  • Real Time Energy Data – instantly see when you turn a light or appliance on or off
  • Free Monitoring with MyEyedro cloud Software

 Within a few months of saving energy, you’ll see that your Eyedro will have paid for itself and you’ll be helping the environment as well! 


Eyedro Energy Monitor EYEDRO-HOME

Eyedro Home Energy Monitor EYEDRO-HOME


An Ethernet Connected Home Energy Monitor that is easy to install. Once connected to MyEyedro to provide you with a better sense of your energy usage so you can start to save money right away.  MyEyedro cloud software is included with no subscription fee.  The EHEM1-LV includes a Module, Two  Current Sensors, a 10ft Ethernet Cable, and a 120V North American Power Adapter.


The Eyedro EHEM1-LV, your economical solution to shocking energy bills!


All Eyedro products meet North American Safety Standards and are helping to create a greener energy environment. For more information on the rest of our product line Click Here.