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Evaluating 20kW Heater Efficiency for Commercial Building: Eyedro Case Study

Evaluating 20kW Heater Efficiency for Commercial Building: Eyedro Case Study

Evaluating 20kW Heater Efficiency for Commercial Building – Should the Heaters be Replaced?

The question for the customer in this case study: what is my heater efficiency and should my heaters be replaced with newer equipment?

Using the Eyedro Electricity Monitoring System the customer was able to determine when their heaters were turning on and off.  By analyzing the real-time energy monitoring and historical data available from within the MyEyedro cloud software, the customer was able to arrive at an educated decision as to whether the heaters should be replaced or not.

Large commercial heaters (like the type used to heat arenas) use a tremendous amount of electricity, and operating costs in a commercial enterprise are carefully tracked. Eyedro is invaluable in this type of situation offering up real-time data in both consumption and dollar amounts. Eyedro data can help business owners make the right decision when it comes to replacing outdated and inefficient equipment, ultimately saving the company money!


New MyEyedro Feature: Custom Business Card

New MyEyedro Feature: Custom Business Card

New MyEyedro Feature: Custom Business Card

With the new MyEyedro custom business card feature you now have the ability to upload your company’s logo or business card graphic.  Your business card will remain visible on the top right corner of the screen as you move through the MyEyedro platform.

To use the new MyEyedro Business Card feature simply navigate to the User Settings, select the Business Card tab and then upload your custom graphic. Make sure the image is 150 x 64 pixels.

Add a custom logo to MyEyedro

Add your custom logo to MyEyedro

Another optional feature is a business card that pops up on mouseover.  To activate this feature be sure to enter your company details below the Upload Business Card Image button.

With the new MyEyedro Business Card feature you have the option of loading an image of your logo as well as activating the business card mouseover when you fill in your business details. You can also upload an image of your business card.

The custom business card feature allows you to brand your MyEyedro platform for sharing with your customers and associates!


Custom business card on mouseover

Add your business details to activate your custom business card on mouseover.

At Eyedro, our top priority is making sure that your experience is legendary, so we wanted to take a moment to let you know about some exciting changes.

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