Congratulations on Your Initiative to Install a PCMM
This technology is an integral part of Smart Facilities, as shown in the Internet of Things (IoT) quadrant above. It will provide you with the data and advanced analytics you need to:
1) Transform your building into a Smart Facility.
2) Reduce your energy consumption.
3) Design renewable energy solutions.
4) Find energy efficiency opportunities.
5) Interconnect smart technologies and people in the pursuit of sustainable, economic, and social development.
6) Provide science-based information that empowers people to make informed decisions for a more sustainable future.
The grid analyzer is an impactful step towards our vision to Create Smart Facilities, build local capacity, and inspire a movement. The data and the analytics will be used along with the 7 Steps in the figure below.
Links to Eyedro Support Materials
Thanks for Your Support
Thank you for your trust and confidence in our services. If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at:
We hope that this solution will contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals.
United Nations Development Programme
Information and Technology Management Team
Marmorvej 51, PO Box 2530, 2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark
Tel: +45 45336113 I |