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EYEFI Setup Tips

EYEFI Setup Tips

EYEFI Setup Tips

Here are a few simple tips to ensure that the installation of your new Eyedro EYEFI system is quick and easy:

  1. To get started, bring the Eyedro module and power adapter into the room with your router and plug it in (you can move it back to your electrical panel once you have set your network credentials).
  2. Plug the EYEFI’s power adapter into a regular receptacle (not a UPS battery backup).
  3. If you have a dual band router select the credentials for your 2.4G band when setting up your EYEFI.
  4. When prompted for your WiFi Network name (SSID) and password enter the same information that you would give to a friend who wanted to use your network.
  5. Once you have told the EYEFI which network to communicate over, take the module back to your electrical panel and mount it on the wall beside the panel (never inside!). 
  6. Ensure that you have full WiFi bars at the spot where your EYEFI is installed.
EYEFI Setup Tips

Energy Monitoring Made Easy

EYEFI Setup via Desktop or Mobile

For more information about connecting your EYEFI system via desktop:

    For more information about connecting your EYEFI system via mobile:

      More Technical Information

      Manuals, videos, FAQs and troubleshooting:

      Eyedro Support

        Invert Your EYEFI Sensors in MyEyedro Desktop

        Invert Your EYEFI Sensors in MyEyedro Desktop

        Invert Your EYEFI Sensors in MyEyedro Desktop

        negative measurements

        Energy Monitoring Made Easy

        Invert Your EYEFI Sensors in MyEyedro Desktop if the measurements that you are seeing are the opposite of what you were expecting.

        1. Go to Device Settings from the main menu (click on the  2 gears, top right)
        2. Remove the check mark from the box beside Hide Advanced Settings  (bottom right above the Done button)
        3. In the sensor parameters go to Sensor Inverted then select the opposite of the current selection (Yes or No)
        4. Hit Save!

        Follow along with the video to review the above steps in greater detail:

        How to Export MyEyedro Hourly Data

        How to Export MyEyedro Hourly Data

        How to Export MyEyedro Hourly Data



        To explain how to export MyEyedro hourly data to Excel.


        MyEyedro Export tab

        Export to Excel tab



        1. Click on the gears in the top right corner of the page in MyEyedro (this is the main menu).
        2. Select Devices.
        3. On the Display Groups tab, click on the Export tab.
        4. Choose the desired Export Period from the options: Last Week, Last month, Last Year, and Custom.
        5. If you choose Custom, enter the Export From and Export To dates (the dates bracketing the data you want to export).
        6. Choose the Data Type you want from the options: Daily (Wh), Hourly (Wh), 15min (Wh), 1 min (Wh), Raw (W), and Raw (mA).
        7. Finally click the “Export Data” button.

        Note that the exported data will be in your downloads folder.

        Display Groups Export Tab

        Data Export tab




        For more information:

        To contact Eyedro Support:

        Via web: Contact Us

        How to Install EYEFI Sensors for Generation

        How to Install EYEFI Sensors for Generation

        How to Install EYEFI Sensors for Generation



        To explain how to install EYEFI current sensors on your solar/wind/other generation lines.



        1. Identify the lines (inverter outputs) that come from your generation source into your breaker box.
        2. Install the EYEFI sensors on the lines as normal.
        3. Claim the device in
        4. Ensure that the outputs of the generation sensors are producing negative values, representing negative consumption (generation).
        5. Create a Display Group for the Generation sensors. You do this by clicking on the Display Groups tab in the same options screen you used to claim your device then clicking on the “Add Display Group” button.
        6. You can now set up your Net Meter plugin and view your generation values.

        If you need help setting up your Net Meter plugin you can find the How-to for that topic Here.

        The How-to for claiming a Device, adding a Display Group, and other Device settings related issues can be found Here.


        Generation Data in the Net Meter plugin and the Live Demand plugin:


        Eyedro EYEFI Generation Data

        Eyedro EYEFI Generation Data


        For more information:

        Suggested next reads:

        To contact Eyedro Support:

        Via web: Contact Us

        How to Use the Summary Plugin

        How to Use the Summary Plugin

        How to Use the Summary Plugin



        To explain how to use the Summary Plugin. As the name suggests, the Summary Plugin displays a breakdown of how much each sensor in a given Display Group measured during a given time period.


        Summary in plugin menu

        Summary in Plugin Menu



        1. Click on the icon in the lower left of the page (this is the Plugin Menu) and select Summary.
        2. Select the desired Display Group from the dropdown menu.
        3. Select the time unit from the dropdown menu.
        4. For time units greater than Hourly, you can set how far back from the start date the data is displayed.
        5. Choose which day you would like to view in the date picker.
        6. You can collapse the legend for a larger version of the graph.
        7. Clicking on a sensor in the legend turns it on or off in the graph.
        8. The legend also shows minimum, maximum, average and total for a given time period setting.
        9. The graph displays watts (W) on the left and time on the bottom.
        10. Hover your mouse over a bar to view the time, sensor, what that sensor read at that time, and the total for that time period.
        11. In the Options menu you can display the data as either Cost ($) or Consumption (W).
        12. In Options you can turn Time of Use bands on or off (TOU rate structure only), show Aggregate (displays the total of all sensors in a Display Group), Stack Columns (displays each sensor in a display group stacked in a single column), and Device Name In Legend.
        13. Set the Graph Scale to automatically set a max and min value or specify those values yourself.


        Summary plugin

        Summary Plugin


        Mouseover data

        Mouseover Data


        Options menu

        Options Menu



        For more information:

        To contact Eyedro Support:

        Via web: Contact Us


        How to Use the Compare Plugin

        How to Use the Compare Plugin

        How to Use the Compare Plugin



        To explain how to use the Compare plugin in The Compare plugin allows you to do a comparison before and after a specific date for a given Display Group, or between two different Display Groups.


        Compare in Plugin Menu

        Compare in Plugin Menu



        1. Click on the icon in the lower left of the display and select Compare.
        2. The graph has cost or consumption on the left, and time on the bottom.
        3. Hovering your mouse over a bar in the graph provides more details about that section.
        4. Clicking on the dot representing the color on the graph turns that part off in the display.
        5. Select the desired Display group in the dropdown menu.
        6. Select the date you want to compare before and after in the date picker.
        7. Select the time units you want to view in the dropdown menu.
        8. The number of time units viewable can be adjusted.
        9. The details pane can be collapsed for a larger view of the graph.
        10. The details pane states the Max, Min, Average, and total of both items being compared, as well as a percentage difference between the two items.
        11. In Options, you can display data as either cost or consumption, and comparison type as either Before/After or Compared To.
        12. If Compared To is selected, you can select the other Display Group from the dropdown menu as well.



        Compare Plugin

        Compare Plugin


        Mouseover Data

        Mouseover Data


        Options Menu

        Options Menu



        For more information:

        To contact Eyedro Support:

        Via web: Contact Us